" i see a star in you. you have great potential but you have fear. you used to stand at the corner, hiding. you know so much about the Lord but you don't dare to show it. but now, it's time to renew that relationship with Him."
it was veryyyy looong so i couldn't remember the whole thing. my knees & hands were practically shaking & trembling before her as the presence of God was so real. then the next minute, i was down. right on the ground. shan't talk bout that further.it was truly amazing la what she did. but it was all just a tiny touch of God. Hes has still plenty of things to do in our lives. this is just the beginning, not the end.
then it was lunch time. the aroma of Fried Rice filled the air. my stomach was making thousands of groans. i was very hungry & weak at that point. then *drumrolls*
it was time to reveal Angel & Mortals! so the circle started with Li Fang, as she was the oldest there. then it was Jillian's turn, my main suspect for my angel. she went two rounds before coming to take me by hand. i told her, " i knew it was you!! aha!" then it was my turn. so panic-i nearly forgot who was my mortal. & i had to ask Evelyn. thank God i did not forget. so i grabbed YinJay's hand. she seemed well, pretty happy. -cause i gave her lotsa gifts! lol!
then it was the sad part. the ending. everyone gathered at the hall of Apartment A & waited with their ever-ready look. Sinead came up with the idea to ask Rachel Tiun to perform opera in public. she sang Think Of Me by David Archuletta in high-pitch. boy, was it pitchy!
everyone had a fun time making fun of her. Li Fang even added by saying " wei, you are embarrasing David Archuletta's name lah" the whole room went crazy.
& now, it was time to say goodbye. at 4.30, we reached school. its scary how time flee when we are having so much fun. but things gotta end right? everyone were so tired too. conclusion, it was major fun la getting to join this camp cause it was way beyong what i thought it would be.
see you guys next year!=)
i will never be the same again,
i can never return,
i've closed the door,
i will walk the path,
i'll run the race,
& i will never be the same again.